The 5 Most Common Objections to Need Greating

So, you've decided to become a need greater. You've prayed for direction, done research, acted in harmony with your goal, wrestled with doubts, prayed some more and after all that, seen Jehovah's blessing on your efforts. You are convinced that you've made a wise decision. You're excited. You can't wait to tell everyone! But don't be surprised if everyone isn't as excited as you are. Some will be enthusiastic. Others will be cautiously supportive. A few will be sad. Then there are those who will try to talk you out of it.

It's understandable.

Everyone has different goals. You have put much thought into yours. Others might not initially understand your decision because they haven't had as much time to think about it as you have. So, it's best to get mentally prepared. Their are a wide variety of objections you might hear and for this post I thought we could talk about a few of them.

1.) There is a Need Everywhere
True. But the level of need varies extensively. You can be used anywhere, but where can you be used the most? For example, last Sunday, an elder in our Bodrum English group gave the public talk in Turkish then conducted the Watchtower in English back to back.  If this brother and his family hadn't left their home congregation to come here, this tiny group would probably have been dissolved. Then the Bible students wouldn't have a place to attend meetings in English. That desperate scenario wouldn't happen back in our home congregations.

Always keep in mind how much these struggling groups and congregations will appreciate your help. The "Offering Themselves Willingly" articles are a wonderful source of support and inspiration to need greaters. Maybe you are the only one in your congregation who is considering moving to another country. But those articles surround you with likeminded individuals who can help you stay confident about your decision.

2.) You Need More Training
True! We are never through with our training. But the question is, how much training do you need before you leave the country? (The Aug. 2011 KM p4 and Dec. 15, 2009 W p7 may help you answer that question.)

Prayerful examination might reveal you have something you need to work on before you take on a new assignment. So by all means, work on it! But also take into consideration that Jehovah can use his spirit and his organization to train you anywhere. Brothers and sisters in your new congregation will understand the unique challenges of their field and are in an excellent position to offer helpful suggestions.

Chris and I are discovering that visiting the country before you move there is a really good idea. We couldn't have prepared ourselves for Turkey. It is just SO different from what we thought it would be. Participating in the meetings and ministry the last few months has gradually corrected our wrong expectations and brought into focus the areas we will actually need to work on as a couple. Now when we return, we will be much more prepared to adapt to our new circumstances.

It's tough to know when you are ready, but with Jehovah's help, you can do it.

This was our CO visit in Fethiye English.

3.) It's Too Dangerous
There are a few places for which this would be a legitimate concern. Unfortunately, much information we take in about other countries comes from unreliable sources. Fears are often unfounded. When planning to leave for Turkey, I was asked if I wanted to be a martyr. As if death was imminent. But really, is any part of this system safe and secure? Are we protected just because we live in America or the UK? Or is it godly wisdom and thinking ability that protects his people around the earth? Yes, you might experience parasites, motorcycle accidents, theft or even a random shooting in a foreign country. But those things could happen to you at home too. If you are worried about your safety, write the branch of the country you wish to serve in. Be specific about your circumstances and your concerns. They will provide a realistic and unbiased picture of what to expect.

4.) They are (Muslim/Buddhist/Atheistic) and they don't want the truth
Jesus provided the answer to this one at Matthew 28:19, 20. We can't really worry about whether they want it or not.

I actually smashed my foot while riding this bike. Still had lots of fun though.

5.) What Will We Do Without You?
Frankly, each of us are far more replaceable than we might like to think. There are others who could fill any void we may leave behind. Some may feel that you are abandoning them. Breaking the news to someone who feels that way is downright awful. But what does Jehovah want? Jehovah can't abandon those in a sparsely covered field just because it's difficult for us to leave home. Our loved ones aren't losing us, they're sharing us. Thankfully, it has never been easier to stay connected than it is now. We can stay in touch in a variety of ways and still be part of each other's experiences. The sacrifice is not unbearable. We can be happy for each other, no matter where each of us are moved to serve.

Here I Am, Send Me
These are just a few of the things I have heard personally over the last decade. Perhaps you are dealing with something else more particular to your circumstances. A friend of mine serves as a need greater with her husband and their ten-year-old son. Initially, some in the congregation were concerned that serving in another country would be detrimental to his spirituality. That was a consideration this couple did not take lightly. However, they decided it was in their best interests as a family to move to Turkey. It's a decision none of them regret.

Whatever the case may be, remember that having both the desire and the circumstances to be a need greater is a precious commodity. It is not easy. If you don't go, who will? So don't be too worried when others don't support your goal. Jehovah will help you get in touch with those who do. Hang in there.

The struggle? It's worth it.

Want an example?

I was on my way to Istanbul. I had prayed ahead of time to witness to someone on the plane. This couple happened to sit next to me. We tried to converse in my limited Turkish, but really only shared a great deal of smiles and shrugs. And snacks. He shared their snacks with me. He was very kind and I could tell he wanted to talk more but we couldn't. It was frustrating for both of us. Then they left the plane before I could give them a tract.

I found them again at the baggage claim and ran after them to give them a tract and say goodbye for which they both were very appreciative. I thought that was the last time I would see them, but we ran into them again at the bus stop. He insisted on exchanging numbers so we could meet up again since they lived about a half an hour from us. This was going great!

We got home from Istanbul and were making plans to visit them with our friends who speak Turkish when lo and behold! They turned up at meeting on Sunday! Mind blown! Turns out, they were someone's return visit.

They took it to heart that Jehovah was trying to reach them at their door AND on the airplane, so when they got home from Istanbul, they came to meeting too! They called it Jehovah's miracle. And now they want a study! I am so happy I was here for that.

See? Worth it.


Unknown said…
Yes! Worth it! Glad you're blogging again! Love your stories!
Marie Williams said…
Thank you for this wonderful encouragement. My family and I are currently serving as regular pioneers in our local congregation and have always had the goal of serving where the need is greater. We were told the very same things, but we've decided to trust in Jehovah. We did our research and had many family worship sessions about 'stepping over into Macedonia '. Needless to
Say, we wrote the Central European Branch to serve in southern Germany and Austria in the English field after having come back from the Special Convention in Vienna. The branch wrote back and suggested three areas we will visit in the near future to see where we could be the most help! Thank you for those kind reminders to use our desire and our circumstances to the full so that we can give Jehovah something to bless!
Unknown said…
I appreciate this post so much. Your site is good quality thanks for taking the time to write.

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