In the Land of Smiles

Hey everybody! I have things to write, but no time to write them!
Will update for real soon.

But I DO have something for you. 

Couldn't fit all the awesomeness in one video, so there's two.

 I hope these stories are inspiring you and motivating you onto your next goal, whatever that may be. And when you get there, tell me about it!! 

In the meantime, thank you for reading.


Amieeeee said…
Aaww Lexi I love this!!! Last months memories were Awesome!:) and only more to come :):):) missing you- keep having fun and take care of the poopie u know who's love ya- meeeee (amie):)
Donna said…
Awesome videos. Feel like I was there with you girls.
Unknown said…
Okay hopefully this works this time ... Anywayz. I just wanted to say keep up the blogging you seem to have a very funny and humble approach to the ministry and just life in general. You have encouraged many people (myself included to keep pushing forward to keep reaching out for a bigger part in Jehovah's service. The people in the videos seem awesome and I hope they are still there when I get there.
Unknown said…
What fabulous videos! You reminded me of what it's like to look at things from the eye of someone who's never seen them. Taking my camera out today to try to do the same. *gulp*

You see what I come up with eventually on my blog:

Keep it up great and encouraging stuff!
Vinnie Van Wyk said…
Thumbs up!! Added videos to my Watch Later list... :)
Gaspar Manuel said…
Hello every one my name is gaspar ramirez i am jehova's witnese from mexico city . i have been reading your post and actually i've enjoyed
the way how jehovas's service is around the world. to be honest i'm so desirus to be part of this beautiful service in a foreigner land as THAILAND but some things stop me as for example that i dont know anybody in thailand so i'd really like to know a jehova'witness who can provide me information to be able to visit that beautiful place in asia . please . if anybody who read this mesage dont have any problem contact me to my EMAIL : or add me to my facebook account : ( Gaspar Manuel ) IM REALLY SO DESIRUS TO DO THIS.. GREATTING ALL OF YOU BROTHERS FROM MÉXICO !!

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