The boys hitching a ride in Joe's truck. |
Wednesday is our long service day. It starts at 9:30 with a service meeting. By the time we get to the territory, a little after 10, it's already plenty hot. Despite the temperature, I find myself wishing I had some of those arm cover sleeve things the Japanese sisters wear. When a Japanese sister offered to give me a pair of hers, I accepted them gladly because I am getting a wicked farmer's tan. Also, the top side of my arm and the underside of my arm look like two different species.
We knew we would be working our neighborhood so Amy wanted to have break at our house. We baked brownies and got treats and drinks for them. Then around 11, a group of sweaty, wilted people found their way to our house. We set up the fans to try to cool everyone off. They were so surprised to have break all taken care of for them. And that the brownies were homemade :) We gave multiple tours of our tiny yet comfortable home. As usual, the safety of our hammocks was questioned and as usual, they were proved trustworthy. Anyway, it was an unusually nice break. Then we went back out.
At lunch, we went home briefly then met up with Cut to drive to her studies. One of them is Nong Wan, an outrageously sweet girl who just glows with happiness on her study. She wants to study twice a week and she's 8. Also, Amy had to apply to a school so she could get a student visa and stay for another year. She's going to school to learn Thai. I'm kinda jealous. After that, we dropped her off at home and she made dinner while Cut and I continued with studies. I met Amy back at 7 for our last study of the day which wrapped up at 8:30. We got home and a few minutes later, Cut arrived with her Bible student, Molly, and we all had dinner together.
Then we played with balloons. Yeah, balloons. The old timey kind where you squeeze the plastic out of a tube and blow through a tiny straw to inflate them? They're a great end to along day, lemme tell you.

I got my phone working yesterday. I feel like a real girl now. I already got my first wrong number too. Someone called me like 4 times in a row. At first we thought it was telemarketers but the persistance was weird. Then when I answered, he couldn't understand me. I passed him off to Cut and he explained that this was his girlfriend's number but he must have dialed it wrong. (Four times??) After she cleared all that up, he decided to ask her for dating advice. The reason he was calling his girlfriend (over and over and over again, not like a creeper at all) was that she broke up with him and he wanted to know what he could do to get her back.
Cut said, "Well you need to talk to her to find out what's wrong. What was her reason for breaking up?"
"She didn't want to be with me anymore." he replied.
"Well.... that's pretty much all I can do for you then. Ok I gotta go!"
It's too bad I don't speak Thai yet. I've got loads of dating advice just ready and waiting to hand out to wrong numbers. Something to look forward to.
This is a good picture of the beach because it doesn't show you all the old men in speedos. |
We play a version of Spoons here where no one REALLY loses a round, you just get your face drawn on. With blue eyeshadow. I think the drawing is their favorite part. |
You can't tell, but I just ate pink soup. |
lots of blessing from Jehovah ! :)
Love you!